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How To Test A Campaign for GoHighLevel

How To Test A Campaign

One straightforward method to assess how your campaign appears to a potential customer is to test it. This approach can serve as a valuable tool for ensuring the quality of your outgoing message.

Step 1: Navigate to the Contacts tab and include yourself as a contact, but utilize an email address that differs from the one linked to your CRM user.

Step 2: To add a campaign for testing, click on the “Add Campaign” button and select the desired campaign. Do not enter an “event date” and then click the “Add” button.

NOTE: If you do not receive the message, review the following items in the specified sequence:

  1. Have you enabled the “Published” setting for your campaign? If not, enable it and re-execute the campaign while ensuring that “Allow Multiple” is enabled.
  2. When you check your Test Contact, does it indicate that the message was sent? If so, proceed to step 3 and 4. If not, move to step 1.
  3. If you are not receiving SMS messages, verify that you have configured your phone number correctly.
  4. If you are not receiving emails, verify that you have configured your SMTP provider correctly.

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