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How to Set Up Email/SMS Notification When An Action Occurs Using Triggers for GoHighLevel

How to Set Up Email/SMS Notification When An Action Occurs Using Triggers

Sending texts or emails to your leads is a great way to engage with them, and it is the most convenient and efficient way of sending urgent information and updates to your leads. You can also use text and email communication in the system to send notifications to yourself. This allows you to set ‘alerts’ when specific trigger actions occur, allowing you to stay up-to-date with important information on your system, your leads, and your customers.

For example, you may want to be notified when a two-step order form is submitted, an appointment is booked, or a contact Unsubscribes from your communication. These are just a few examples of the many trigger actions you can create an email or SMS self-notification for.

Step 1: Setting Up Email / SMS Notification

  • Navigate to Triggers
  • Add a Trigger
  • Select Desired Trigger Action (Part 1) and add Filter (optional).
  • Add Action (Part 2). Here you can send an Email or SMS to yourself as a notification when the action from Part 1 occurs for a contact within your system.
    • For example: Choose ‘Send Email’ → Fill out the Form.
    • Choose ‘Send SMS’ → Fill out the Form

The example below shows a SMS notification sent to oneself when a new appointment is booked within a particular calendar:

  • Save and Activate Trigger.

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John Mamado
Go HighLevel Onboarding, Training, Education, Coaching, Support, Products and Services. Enabling Customer Success for GHL Agencies Worldwide
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