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Editing Pending and Processing Bulk Actions for GoHighLevel

Editing Pending and Processing Bulk Actions

You can accomplish a variety of tasks with GoHighLevel’s Bulk Actions feature, from SMS blasts to adding contacts to campaigns or workflows.

One particularly useful function is scheduling a drip email to be sent in batches, allowing you to gradually send the email to a large number of contacts over a specified period of time. This feature is perfect for those who want to avoid overwhelming recipients with a flood of emails all at once (ex. you have an email you want to send to 1,000 people, but you send it in batches of 10 contacts per hour Monday-Friday until completed, or you send it to 100 people per day for 10 days).

If you need to modify a Bulk Action after it has been created, you have a variety of choices depending on the phase of the sending operation.

Step 1: Determine if the Bulk Action is Queued or Processing

  • To check a Bulk Action in progress, go to the Bulk Actions section and click the three-dot menu icon next to the relevant action.
      • If the action is still pending or queued, it means it hasn’t started yet but is scheduled for a future time.
      • On the other hand, if the action is processing, it means that the batches have already started to send in drip mode, and you can see the progress of the process (ex. you’ve scheduled an email to go out in batches every other day, and the process started 3 days ago and is 33% complete).

    Step 2: Edit the Bulk Action

    • Select the Bulk Action you want to review by clicking on the three-dot menu icon next to it under the “Actions” column.
    • It will reveal an “Edit” option if the Bulk Action is still queued.
    • To make changes to the delivery schedule of a queued Bulk Action, click on the corresponding 3 dot menu icon under the “Actions” column and select the “Edit” option.
    • In the popup window, adjust the schedule as needed, save the changes, and the Bulk Action will be updated.
    • This process can be repeated until the first batch of the Bulk Action begins.
    • In case the Bulk Action is being processed, you will be presented with an option to “Edit Batch Quantity”.
    • In the popup window, you can adjust the batch quantity, such as increasing or decreasing the number of emails being sent per hour (i.e. instead of sending 10 emails per hour you want to update it to 5 or 50, etc.)
    • After saving the changes, your Bulk Action will be updated.
    • You can perform this procedure multiple times while the Bulk Action is still processing.

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    Ryan OConnor
    Go HighLevel Onboarding, Training, Education, Coaching, Support, Products and Services. Enabling Customer Success for GHL Agencies Worldwide
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