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Blogging 101 for GoHighLevel

Blogging 101

Using the Blog feature, you can create and optimize blog posts. The easy-to-use feature allows you to focus on content marketing, SEO optimization, and you can distribute your blog anywhere to attract readers to your blog! 

Step 1: Creating Blog Posts with Settings and SEO Details

  • Navigate to Sites > Blogs, and here you can create a new Blog Post. Give it a Title, Description, and a Blog Post image.
  • Using the editor toolbar, add your content and customize the font, images, etc.
    • Customize font styles and designs.
    • Add indentations and various list formats including numbered, bulleted, and to-do
    • Add image(s) and/or video(s) from your Media Library
    • You can also add YouTube videos or insert hyperlinks
    • Save your changes.
  • Once you’ve added the content, you will need to set up the details for your blog. This includes:
    • URL Slug : the path for your post
    • Category (determined from blog settings)
    • Keywords
    • Author (determined from blog settings)
  • After setting up the details, you can publish them or keep them saved in draft mode. 

Step 2: Adding a Website or Funnel with the Blog Post List Element

NOTE: This funnel or website page will be your main Blog page with all your blog posts.

  • Create a new Funnel / Website, or you can add a step/page to an existing one
  • Within the step, go to the edit button.
  • Click on the element titled “Blog Post List”
    • Choose the element and type of layout – either Standard or Compact
    • Make any additional customizations you wish to set up
  • Add the domain to the site within Funnel / Website Settings.
  • If you want the blog page to open when you enter your domain without any path you can navigate to Settings > Domains > Edit Domain > Select the blog page as the default page. You can set it up so that the blog opens at blog.thedemoaccount.com instead of blog.thedemoaccount.com/home

Step 3: How do domains work within the blog?

You add the domain to the Funnel or Website where the blog element is added. Here is a Blog URL format example:

  • Domain: XYZ.com 
  • Slug of the post: b/sample-demo
  • Final url: XYZ.com/b/sample-demo

Pro Tips:

  • Categories: Blog Post details will require Category. You can add multiple categories.
  • Category details such as name, slug, and SEO details can be customized within Blogs Settings.
  • Blog Author and Keywords are optional. Author details can be customized in Blogs Settings with a name, photo, and also social media information. Keywords can be set from the “publish” section.

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Ryan OConnor
Go HighLevel Onboarding, Training, Education, Coaching, Support, Products and Services. Enabling Customer Success for GHL Agencies Worldwide
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