
Using Your Audit Logs for GoHighLevel

Using Your Audit Logs

Audit logs monitor modifications made to specific information in your system. It can be useful to identify which team member executed certain actions or to troubleshoot customer problems if an error occurred. Please note that only the system’s admin user will be able to access this data.

Follow these simple steps to use your audit logs:

  • Go to Settings > Audit Logs
  • Choose from the dropdown list to customize the filters
    • Date and Time: choose a time period
    • Action: Select from Created, Updated, Deleted, and Restored
    • Module: Determine which part of your system you want to review logs for – Contacts, Opportunities, Notes, Tasks, Custom Values, Tags
    • Document ID: search for a specific ID/name of an item
    • Done By > Search Users: customize the search for all or specific team members/users in  your system
  • When you apply filters, your log list will promptly update on the screen, and the filters will begin to form at the top. For instance, if you select “Custom Values” as the module, all actions connected to that module will be displayed. To undo the filters, click the X next to a filter or the option “Clear all Filters,” and the log display will be reset.

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