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Signature Custom Field in Forms and Surveys for GoHighLevel

Signature Custom Field in Forms and Surveys for GoHighLevel

This tutorial will show you how to use the signature custom field and how it can be used within the forms or surveys.

Step 1: Adding the Signature Custom Field to Your Form or Survey

  • Navigate to the Form Builder (or Survey Builder).
  • You’ll see Standard Fields and Custom Fields in the menu on the right.
    • Standard Fields are commonly used, default fields in the system, such as name, email, and phone.
    • Custom Fields are those you’ve created specifically for your business needs. 
  • Click Add Custom Field.
  • In the pop up window, choose Signature from the options. You can name the field, like “Sign here” if you wish.
  • Click save and the popup will close.
  • Click and drag the Signature field into the form.
  • Click Save Form.
  • Click Integrate Form.
  • Copy the link and paste it into the browser, or wherever you wish to use it.

Step 2: Accessing Signatures

  • Navigate to your Contacts/Smart Lists.
  • Click into a Contact Record.
  • Under “Additional Info” you’ll see their signature, captured from a form or survey.

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Ryan OConnor
Go HighLevel Onboarding, Training, Education, Coaching, Support, Products and Services. Enabling Customer Success for GHL Agencies Worldwide
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