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Step-by-Step Guide: Creating Opportunities in GoHighLevel

Opportunities play a crucial role in navigating potential sales. Follow this comprehensive guide, which outlines the step-by-step process of establishing opportunities. By following these instructions, you’ll gain the ability to effectively monitor contacts as they progress through your sales pipeline.

Step 1: Accessing the Opportunities Section

  • Log in to your account.
  • Go to your sub Account
  • Navigate to the “Opportunities” section from the sidebar menu.

Step 2: Creating a New Opportunity

  • Once you’re in the Opportunities section, click on the “+ Opportunity” button on the top right.
  • Fill in the relevant details for the opportunity, such as the contact name / information, pipeline details and opportunity value.
  • Optionally, you can add other values to this opportunity or make the opportunity owner a specific user or team member responsible for managing it.
  • Click on “Create” and the opportunity will be created and will start showing in the Opportunities dashboard.

Step 3: Adding Details and Notes

  • You can click on any opportunity to open its edit page.
  • In the opportunity details page, you’ll find fields to add additional information about the opportunity.
  • Include any relevant notes or details about the contact’s needs, preferences, or interactions.
  • These notes and tasks will also start reflecting in the contact’s information.

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