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How to use Custom Fields for Opportunities in GoHighLevel

Empowering users to capture, organize, and tailor information to their specific requirements, the Custom Fields for Opportunities feature revolutionizes the way opportunities are managed. Within the Opportunity Modal, users can effortlessly create, categorize, and group custom fields, enhancing data management and process tracking. Enjoy the same seamless customization experience as with contacts.

What is Custom Fields for Opportunities

Leverage the Custom Fields for Opportunities functionality to tailor and structure crucial data points for your sales endeavors in GoHighLevel. This versatile tool empowers businesses to incorporate bespoke fields, such as project deadlines, product specifications, and client preferences, refining their sales processes with precision.

Moreover, the feature facilitates seamless organization by enabling the categorization of custom fields into distinct folders. Enhance workflow efficiency with the ability to conceal empty fields, ensuring a clutter-free presentation of opportunity cards.

Usage Cases:

Sales Deadlines: You can create a custom field for each opportunity’s sales closing date to ensure your team knows all critical deadlines.

Sales Stages: Differentiate between various sales stages for an opportunity, such as initial contact, needs assessment, negotiation, or final closing.

Product Details: Use custom fields to track specific product or service details related to an opportunity, such as product model, SKU, or service type.

Client Preferences: Track specific preferences or needs of a client, such as preferred contact time or any particular requirements or requests they may have.

Lead Source: Keep track of where your leads are coming from. This could include referrals, social media, direct mail, etc.

Customer’s Budget: To cater to your offers more precisely, having a field for the client’s budget or expenditure capability would be helpful.

Likelihood of Conversion: Create a field to indicate the probability of an opportunity turning into a successful sale. This can help prioritize resource allocation. This could be a number field modified using a Math Operation workflow action to update the field.

Next Follow-Up Date: To keep the conversation going and increase the chances of a sale, you might want to track when you should follow up with a potential client.

Associated Campaigns: If your opportunities are tied to specific marketing campaigns, you can create a custom field to track which campaign each opportunity is associated with.

Client’s Industry or Occupation: Having a field for the client’s industry or occupation can help you understand their needs better and tailor your communications accordingly.

How to use Custom Fields for Opportunities

Go to Settings: The settings for creating custom fields can be found on the settings page of your sub-account.

Create Custom Fields: Navigate to ‘Custom Fields’ under settings. Click on ‘Add Field’ or ‘Create Field’.

Define Your Fields: Choose ‘Opportunity’ as your object and then define your custom field type, such as single-line text, number, dropdown, etc. Give it a name that suits its purpose, like ‘Project Start Date’ or ‘Sales Stage’.

The types of custom fields you can add for opportunities currently include:

  • Text Input
  • Single Line
  • Multi-Line
  • Text Box List
  • Values
  • Number
  • Phone
  • Monetary
  • Choosing Options
  • Dropdown (Single)
  • Dropdown (Multiple)
  • Radio Select
  • Checkbox
  • Date Picker
  • Signature

Please Note

While usually accessible, we’re actively enhancing the ‘File Upload’ field type to integrate seamlessly with opportunities. Soon, you’ll effortlessly upload files directly into custom fields within the opportunities section.

Now you should see an option called ‘Opportunities’ and ‘Contacts’. After filling in the necessary information, Choose Opportunities and hit Save.

Create Custom Folders:You can group your custom fields for opportunities into custom folders. This helps you categorize and organize your fields better. To do this, go to ‘Folders’ in the ‘Custom Fields’ section, create a new folder, give it a name, and select ‘Opportunity’ as its object.

Reorder Custom Fields: You can reorder your custom fields as per your preferences once you have created them from the same Settings page and the updated order will reflect on both Add and Edit Opportunity dialog boxes.

Use Your Custom Fields:When you go to the ‘Opportunities’ section when creating or editing an opportunity, you will see these new custom fields. You can fill in the information as needed.

Hide Empty Fields: If you have a lot of custom fields and don’t want to see the ones that don’t have any value, you can turn on the ‘Hide Empty Fields’ feature.

Deleting Custom Opportunity Fields: If you have a specific custom field that you need to delete, go to Sub-account Settings. Look for “Custom Fields”, scroll to or search for the custom opportunity field and click on the checkbox right next to it.

Under “Bulk Actions”, choose Delete to delete the custom opportunity field.

      Please Note

Default custom fields cannot be deleted but can be moved to a different group. 

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