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How To Redirect Domains (from www to non-www) – Google Domains for GoHighLevel

How To Redirect Domains (from www to non-www) - Google Domains

This article will walk through how to redirect domains from the www. version to non-www. version. In this example, we’ll be using Google Domains, but you can follow a similar process with other DNS hosts.

NOTE: You will still need to configure BOTH the www and non www versions in your account. 

Part 1: Setting Up the Domain

Step 1: Navigate to Domains > Add New Domain.

Step 2: Add the non-www version of the domain, such as thedemoaccount.com

Step 3: The pop-up window in your system will tell you what IP address the A-record or CNAME record needs to point to (NOTE: don’t use both, and we recommend using the CNAME).

Step 4: In a new web browser tab, navigate to your DNS (such as Google Domains).

Step 5: Navigate back to the system browser, and click the pencil icon. Choose the first page of your website/funnel. Click Save.

Part 2: Setting up the Sub-domain Forwarding

Step 1: Set up the subdomain forwarding to redirect www.thedemoaccount,com to the non-www. version.

Step 2: Establish a permanent redirect and forwarding path, and enable the SSL. This will mean that any www.thedemoaccount,com/calendar or www.thedemoaccount,com/blog will also redirect to the non-www version.

Step 3: Be sure to save your changes. Click “Add” (In Google Domains) or “Save”, etc. in other platforms.

Part 3: Testing the Sub-domain Forwarding

Step 1: Open a new web browser tab, and test the www. link to ensure it redirects in the way you just setup.

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Ryan OConnor
Go HighLevel Onboarding, Training, Education, Coaching, Support, Products and Services. Enabling Customer Success for GHL Agencies Worldwide
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