
Porting your telephone number (non-Twilio number) to a location in GoHighLevel

Step 1: Locate your Location ID:

Step 2: Enter Customer Name (the name should appear exactly as it does on the telephone bill) 

First Name:

Last Name:

Business Name (if the service is in your company’s name):

Step 3: Enter Service Address on file with your current carrier (Please note, this must be a physical location and can not be a PO Box): 




Zip/Postal Code:

Step 4: List all the Telephone Number(s) which you authorize to change from your current phone service provider to Twilio Inc. 

Number typePhone number(s):Wireless Account number:Pin / Last 4 of SSN:Service Provider
Wireless Numberse.g. +17787787878e.g. 12345678e.g. 1234e.g. Verizon
Landline & Toll-Free Phone Numberse.g. +18881234568

Step 5: Complete the Letter of Authorization

  • must be PDF files and cannot exceed 4MB

Step 6: Include a scanned (or electronic) copy of the most recent phone billing statement:

must be PDF files and cannot exceed 4MB

Step 7: Submit your port request to Twilio:

Porting your Canadian telephone number (non-Twilio number) to a location

To port your Canadian phone number, the steps are the same as above. Depending on the losing carrier, this process typically takes between 4 – 6 weeks. While you’re waiting, be sure to check the phone numbers’ capabilities that will be available to you after porting.

We charge a one-time porting fee of $7.00 USD per number.

Once we provide you with the Account SID, please prepare the following information below and fill out the following Twilio form.

  • The number(s) to be ported in E164 format; for example: [+][1][xxx][xxx][xxxx]
  • The attached Twilio Canadian Letter Of Authorization within the last 15 days
  • Your most recent billing document
  • Your Customer Account Number (the one in your current carrier’s records).

Frequently Asked Questions

My Twilio number took forever to port over, what’s going on?

There are instances where the Twilio numbers may already be associated with a different Twilio project. In such cases, we simply need to transfer the Twilio number once the client shares the original Account SID.

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John Mamado
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