By integrating your Microsoft Teams account, you can effortlessly create dynamic meeting links, eliminating the need for manual setup. Whenever you choose Microsoft Teams as the meeting location in your calendar, a unique link will be automatically generated for each new booking and included in the calendar invitation.
You need access to the Microsoft Teams account you want to connect.
How to Connect Microsoft Teams
There are two ways to connect your Microsoft Teams account:
From the “My Profile” menu under the Settings tab.
From the “Calendars” menu under the Settings tab.
Steps to connect Microsoft Teams from the “My Profile” menu
1. Navigate to Settings > My Profile.
2. Under Video Conferencing connections, click Add New.
3. Select Microsoft Teams and click Connect.
4. Sign in with your Microsoft Teams credentials.
5. Your Microsoft Teams account is now successfully connected.
Steps to connect Microsoft Teams from the “Calendars” menu
1. Go to Calendars > Calendar Settings > Connections.
2. Locate the Video Conferencing tab.
3. Click on Add New and then click Connect next to Microsoft Teams.
4. Sign in with your Microsoft Teams credentials.
5. Your Microsoft Teams account is now successfully connected.
How to Add Microsoft Teams Links to Your Calendar
After connecting your Teams account, you can add dynamic Teams links to your calendar. Here’s how:
Ensure your Microsoft Teams integration is successfully set up.
Navigate to your Calendar Settings and edit the calendar you want to modify.
Go to the Meeting Details tab and scroll to the Team Members section.
Choose the team member, ensure they have successfully integrated Microsoft Teams, then select Microsoft Teams as the meeting location and click Save.
Important Notes
Connecting an Outlook calendar does not automatically link Microsoft Teams. To connect Teams, navigate to Calendar Connections > Video Conferencing and connect it separately.
To view appointments on your Outlook calendar, ensure that your desired Outlook calendar is both connected and selected as the linked calendar. You can do this under Calendar Connections > Calendars.
Limitations with Microsoft Teams Integration
Only Microsoft Teams accounts for Work and School (Organization and Education) are eligible for integration.
Each user can connect only one Microsoft Teams integration per subaccount.
The same Microsoft Teams integration can be used across multiple subaccounts, but only for the same user. For example, if User A has connected their Microsoft Teams integration in Subaccount A, then only User A can connect that same integration to Subaccount B.
Q: Which Calendars Support Dynamic Microsoft Teams Links?
A: Personal Booking, Round Robin, Collective Calendars, and Service Calendars support Microsoft Teams integration and automatically generate new Teams links for each appointment booked. This feature is coming soon for Class Booking Calendars.
Q: How Can I Use Microsoft Teams with Event Calendars?
A: You can use Microsoft Teams with Event Calendars by manually generating a Teams meeting link and adding it to the calendar settings.
Generate a meeting link in Microsoft Teams.
In the calendar settings, select Custom as the meeting location.
Paste the generated Teams link.
Note: This will add a static link, meaning the same link will be used for all future bookings.