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Mastering Service Calendars for Automotive Detailing with GoHighLevel

Understanding the importance of Service Calendars becomes crucial when managing a variety of services requiring different availability and resources. For businesses such as auto-detailing, where diverse services are offered, establishing Service Calendars is essential for efficient scheduling and resource management.

Now, let’s delve into the essential steps and optimal strategies for configuring and customizing service calendars.

Activating the Service Menu

To kick start the process of crafting Service Menus and Service Calendars, the first step is activating them within the “Account Preferences” section of Calendar Settings. Simply toggle the switch to activate the Service Menu, then scroll down and hit “Save Preferences” to ensure your changes are retained. Following this, a fresh tab labeled “Service Menu” will materialize alongside Calendars and Groups, ready for your customization.

Calendars >> Calendar Settings >> Preferences >> Account Preference

Creating Groups

The fundamental structure of a well-organized service calendar involves the creation of groups. These groups serve as categorical containers for related services such as Dent Removal, Headlight Restoration, Ceramic Coating, and Window Tinting. Each group acts as an organizational unit, enhancing clarity and coherence.

Calendars >> Calendar Settings >> Groups >> Create Group

Add the Group Name, Group Description, and Group URL or unique SLUG, then click the blue Create button.

Configuring Service Calendars

Once the foundational group/s is established, the subsequent step is the creation of individual Service Calendars. This process outlines the setup of a new service calendar using Dent Removal as an example. The procedure includes Naming the calendar, selecting staff members, assigning a URL, and defining the service duration. Advanced settings, encompassing descriptions and group allocations, offer nuanced customization to adapt to specific business requirements.

Please Note:

The Service Calendar will only be available upon activating the Service Menu under Account Preferences in Calendar Settings.(See first step)

Add the name of the service (ex., Dent Removal, Wheel Restoration, etc.), then Select a Staff Member that is assigned to that particular service. Add the Custom URL or unique SLUG then choose the duration of the service from the dropdown. Once done, click the blue Confirm button.

Please Note:

Staff members can be added by going to Settings >> My Staff >> Add Employee.

This should be done first as the calendar won’t allow you to save or press the blue confirm button unless you choose a staff member from the dropdown option.

Adjusting Calendar Settings

Advanced settings are explored further, encompassing detailed adjustments such as adding descriptions, allocating calendars to specific groups, and customizing appointment titles. This level of customization allows businesses to tailor their service calendars to suit their unique needs, ensuring seamless integration with existing workflows.

You can edit the Service Calendar you created by clicking on the three dots next to it and by choosing Edit from the options.

Adding Images and further customization

Images are included within service calendars to elevate the user experience. This step involves uploading visually relevant images for each service, providing clients with a visually appealing representation. Additional customization options, including enabling rescheduling and canceling, contribute to creating a polished and user-friendly service calendar.

Creating the Service Menus

The final phase involves the creation of service menus that showcase selected service calendars. This section underscores the significance of arranging services within the menu.






Now, when you give your customers the link to your Service Menu, it should look like this.

Proficiency in managing service schedules using High Level is indispensable for businesses providing an array of services. This comprehensive manual guarantees users the ability to proficiently craft, tailor, and exhibit their Service Calendars, delivering a seamless interaction for both businesses and clientele. Equipped with this understanding, businesses can refine their scheduling operations and enhance customer contentment.

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