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Using The Mobile App: Calendar and Appointments for GoHighLevel

Using The Mobile App: Calendar and Appointments

Using the Mobile App allows you to take the convenience of your system on the go with you, using features right from your phone. You can toggle between the various available features/sections using the icons at the bottom of the app.

Click into the Calendar icon. 

Check out these pro tips for navigating through the Calendar/Appointments section: 

  • Use the dropdown at the top to view any specific calendars you have, if you are using multiple calendars.
  • Click into a date to view your appointments for that particular date
  • Click the + icon in the bottom right to create a new appointment.
    • Add the contact information, choose a calendar, specify if the appointment will be assigned via β€˜round robin’ or to a particular team member, etc. to completely customize the booking.

Take advantage of the mobile app today so you can conveniently use your system on the go, from virtually anywhere.

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