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Using a Video Element in the Funnel Builder for GoHighLevel

Using a Video Element in the Funnel Builder

One of the most useful elements within the funnel builder is the Video Element. In this article, we will cover how to utilize the video element and set it up correctly. 

Within the funnel builder, once you’ve added a video, you’ll see “Video Settings” on the left side of the screen. There are 2 tabs – General and Advanced. Toggle between the sections of settings to customize the image as you wish.

Step 1: Navigate to Image Settings > General

  • Similar to the Image Element, the Video Element has settings to add or reduce padding and margins. Adding spacing to the Video Element can change the dimensions of the Video in the funnel itself.
  • In order to have a proper functioning video in the Video Element, you will need to choose the correct Video Type (Vimeo, Youtube, Wisitia) and then enter the correct video URL. When these fields are filled out correctly, the video will populate immediately in the Video Element.
  • It is important to decide the settings you would like to use for the Video Element. There are options within the settings for Auto Play and Controls. Different funnels call for different Video Element functions.
  • If you would like a fixed size for the Video Element, the Width setting can be adjusted to three different sizes.

Step 2: Navigate to Image Settings > Advanced

  • In the Advanced section, you can customize the border and width.
  • You can also customize the mobile and desktop displays.
  • The CSS selector is also in this section.

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