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Funnel Statistics in GoHighLevel

To access funnel statistics, navigate to Funnels And Websites > Funnels, and then click on the Stats tab.

Metrics Breakdown

Page Views

  • All – Number of total page visits  
  • Uniques –  Uniques page views   

Opt-ins (Form Submission, Survey Submission, 2-Step Order Form Submission)

  1. All –  Opt-ins 
  2. Rate – (Opt-ins * 100) / (Unique page views) 


  • Count – Number of product sold 
  • Rate –  (Number of product sold  * 100) / (Unique page views) 
  • Value – Total value of products sold

Earnings / Pageview

  1. All –  (Total value of products sold ) / (Page views )
  2. Uniques – (Total value of products sold) / (Unique Page views)

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