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How to import a Funnel From ClickFunnels in GoHighLevel

The ClickFunnels to GoHighLevel migration tool proves invaluable for individuals or businesses seeking to transition seamlessly from ClickFunnels to GoHighLevel. By effortlessly transferring existing funnels and pages, it streamlines the process and eliminates the need for rebuilding from the ground up. This time-saving solution is especially beneficial for users managing numerous funnels or pages, reducing both time and effort investment.

Please Note:

– This importer is designed for ClickFunnels 1.0. However, please note that the ClickFunnels 2.0 importer has not been developed yet.

– Please ensure that you utilize the publishable (live) link, and not the shareable click funnel link. It’s essential to import one Funnel Step at a time from ClickFunnels for a seamless experience.

How to import a click funnel page into the high-level funnel builder?  

  • Step 1: Click on Sites 
  • Step 2: Click on Funnels
  • Step 3: Click on “New Funnel”
  • Step 4: Click on “Add a new step

Step 1: Access the template list view

  • Explain the relevant actions to be performed.

Step 2: Click on funnels

  • The click funnel import will only work within funnels.

Step 3: Create a new funnel  

  • Explain the actions under this step.

  • Add the name and click “Create funnel.”

Step 4: New step

  • Click on “Add new step.”

  • Add the name for the page, path, and Clickfunnels link, mark the confirm checkbox, and click “create funnel step.”

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