When a contact schedules an appointment, they have the ability to choose their timezone, ensuring the booking aligns accurately with their local time and personal schedule.
A contact located in New York City schedules an appointment for 5pm with a company located in San Francisco.
If the contact time zone feature is DISABLED, the appointment will be created for 5pm PST, because that is the time zone in which the HighLevel location resides.
If the contact time zone feature is ENABLED, the appointment would have been created for 5pm EST, since the contact is located in New York, and the business would see an appointment scheduled for 2pm PST.
If you prefer to restrict contacts from changing the timezone when booking appointments, you can disable this feature, ensuring that all appointments are scheduled strictly in the timezone assigned to the HighLevel sub-account.
How to Disable Contact Timezone?
Disabling the contact timezone ensures that all appointments are scheduled strictly in the business’s timezone, preventing users from selecting different time zones.
If a client operates near a timezone border or in a high-traffic tourist area where customers come from various time zones, it may be beneficial to restrict scheduling to the business’s local time.
To enforce this setting, go to Settings > Business Profile, scroll down to the General section on the right-hand side, and enable the “Disable Contact Timezone” checkbox.
How to Set Your Business’ Timezone (Sub-Account)
It is very important to have your sub-account’s timezone set properly, especially if you are not allowing contacts to adjust the timezone manually when scheduling.
To view and/or adjust your sub-account’s timezone, navigate to Settings > Business Profile and find the “Time Zone” field located on the right side of the screen under the “Business Physical Address” options.
What Contacts Will See When Scheduling
The screenshots below are examples of when your calendars will look like depending on whether you have enabled or disabled the Contact Timezone feature.
Contact Timezone DISABLED
With the “Disable Contact Timezone” box selected, users will no longer see the time zone dropdown selector in the calendar widget (see screenshot below), and all appointments will be made in whatever time zone is set within the location settings.
Contact Timezone ENABLED (default setting)
This screenshot shows the default calendar widget with the timezone preference. By default, the contact timezone is enabled, giving your contacts the ability to change the timezone where the appointment is being scheduled.