
Our Fair Use Policy

This Fair Use Policy (“Policy”) governs the usage of support services and onboarding services (“Services”) provided by Growthable (“Company”) to customers (“Customers”) on subscription plans. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure fair and reasonable usage of the Services, preventing abuse and ensuring optimal service delivery to all Customers. By subscribing to our Services, Customers agree to comply with this Fair Use Policy.

  1. Support Services Fair Use Policy 1.1 Response Time: a) The agreed Service Level Agreement (SLA) for response time is 10 minutes. b) While the SLA allows for a 10-minute response time, our aim is to provide a response within 2 minutes or less.

1.2 Abusive Usage: a) Customers must not engage in activities that abuse the support services provided, such as excessive or frequent communication with agents. b) Abusive usage includes, but is not limited to, intentionally prolonging conversations, repetitive or redundant queries, or submitting a large number of trivial requests. c) Growthable reserves the right to determine what constitutes abusive usage based on its reasonable discretion.

1.3 Impact on Service Quality: a) Continuous abusive usage by a Customer may affect the quality of service provided to other Customers. b) Growthable reserves the right to take necessary actions, including but not limited to warning, limiting access, or terminating support services, to maintain fair usage and service quality for all Customers.

1.4 Fair Usage Monitoring: a) Growthable may monitor the usage of support services to ensure compliance with this Fair Use Policy. b) The monitoring may include tracking the frequency, duration, and content of communications between Customers and support agents.

1.5 Breach of Fair Use Policy: a) In the event of a breach of this Fair Use Policy, Growthable may take appropriate actions as deemed necessary, including: – Issuing a warning or notice to the Customer regarding the breach. – Restricting or suspending the Customer’s access to support services. – Terminating support services with immediate effect. b) Growthable’s decision regarding the breach and the subsequent actions shall be final and binding.

  1. Onboarding Services Fair Use Policy 2.1 Usage Limitation: a) Onboarding services are provided to Customers for a specified period as agreed upon in the subscription plan. b) Customers must use onboarding services within the defined period and limit their usage to what is reasonably required for successful onboarding.

2.2 Abuse of Onboarding Services: a) Abusive usage of onboarding services includes, but is not limited to, repeatedly rescheduling sessions without valid reasons, extending the onboarding period unreasonably, or monopolizing excessive resources beyond what is necessary.

2.3 Fair Usage Monitoring: a) Growthable may monitor the usage of onboarding services to ensure compliance with this Fair Use Policy. b) The monitoring may include tracking the frequency, duration, and content of onboarding sessions and resource utilization.

2.4 Breach of Fair Use Policy: a) In the event of a breach of this Fair Use Policy, Growthable may take appropriate actions as deemed necessary, including: – Issuing a warning or notice to the Customer regarding the breach. – Restricting or suspending onboarding services. – Modifying or terminating the onboarding agreement. b) Growthable’s decision regarding the breach and the subsequent actions shall be final and binding.

  1. General Provisions 3.1 Modification of Fair Use Policy: a) Growthable reserves the right to modify or update this Fair Use Policy at any time. b) Changes to the Policy will be communicated
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