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Preparing for SaaS Mode in GoHighLevel: Essential Steps to Get Ready





Financial Management?

Churn Rate?

The back story to SaaS and why it’s important for agencies. 

  • The industry is shifting into a productized environment.
  • Marketing knowledge has elevated among SMBs
  • The “Rest in Peace” Churn rate
  • Avoiding fulfillment stran

5 things you should have in place for SaaS in 2023

  1. Go Industry Specific rather than Feature Specific
  2. Make decisions on the feature combinations as the niche expert
  3. Create a parent account with campaigns 
  4. Start creating your own beta launch with prospects
  5. Build your outbound messages, demo slides, and offers

Go Industry Specific rather than Feature Specific

Avoid these mistakes below:

  • Don’t position yourself as a TOOL expert
  • Don’t think of SaaS as a service offer similar to agency services
  • Don’t overkill with too many capabilities and ruin the experience

Make decisions on the feature combinations as the niche expert

Recommended with a universal approach 

Conversations (2-way text)

Reviews (Templated Responses)

Web Chat (Installed)

Default Optional: Dashboard and Opportunities Flow

Create a parent account with campaigns 

Step 1: Create your Pipelines based on NICHE Sales Cycle flow

Step 2: Create Text 

Step 3: Create Emails 

Step 4: Set up all your triggers to help the leads move through the customer’s sales flow

Start creating your own beta launch with prospects

KPIs for SaaS soft launch:

200 outbound messages a day (Text/Email/Video)

8 responses

5 intro calls

2 demos

Build your outbound messages

Old Prospects that you might have lost, haven’t engaged in a while, or someone who couldn’t afford your marketing services.

Previous prospects: 

New Prospects (Volume):

New Prospects (Reviews):

Prospects (Referrals):

Additional Notes

  • Have a beta group of a least 10 SaaS prospects
  • Turn 2 of them into Agency Partners
  • Update your Demo Slides with a SaaS offering
  • Don’t discontinue Agency Services but add SaaS on top of it

In addition, initial entry officer UPSELL and post-exit offer DOWNSELL with SaaS.

Account Managers should start training on your SaaS offer so they can fulfill it with 1 Zoom call and onboard SaaS clients.

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